We will always ensure that seasonal products are purchased so that our chefs have the freshest, locally sourced ingredients to work with. Seasonal calendars will highlight these items identifying in-season products, Super Foods and ‘exotic products’, helping to bring something a little bit different to the attention of our customers.

We have developed our seasonal approach further through our Food Heroes programme – some of the finest growers in the country supply us daily and we wanted to put them in the spotlight because it was clear on each visit just how much time, effort and passion goes into growing their chosen fruit or vegetable. You’ll see posters in the restaurant highlighting growers whose produce we buy in that month including Carrots from Guy Poskitt’s farm in Yorkshire in February to Tomatoes from Peter Taylor’s farm in Worcestershire in July.

For ISS, it’s where we start every single time we put together a menu – no matter whether it’s a soup, main meal or canapé for a VIP guest, we start with what’s in season and what’s at its best.

What’s in season Summer

  • Broad beans – fantastic in summer risottos with fresh peas and mint or as part of a healthy summer salad
  • Courgettes – thinly slice and char grill; the flowers are delicious stuffed with ricotta cheese and deep fried
  • Globe artichoke – lovely in pasta dishes with capers and roasted peppers
  • Strawberries – simply serve with double cream