Did you know that the body is 70% water? It’s really important, therefore, that you stay hydrated. Just 1% dehydration can affect how your brain functions. Other symptoms of dehydration include: tiredness; headaches; dry mouth and loss of appetite.

It is important to remember that thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration. If you are thirsty, you are already likely to be suffering from the effects of dehydration.

It is recommended that drink 6-8 glasses of fluid a day, which is roughly 1.2 litres. This is only an average amount and varies depending on the weather and how active you are.

You don’t just have to drink water to stay hydrated; there are plenty of sources which can contribute to your fluid intake. Around 30% can come from your food especially if you eat lots of fruit and vegetables, which have high water content.

If you’re particularly active at work, or enjoy sports outside work, it’s critical that you stay hydrated as a lack of fluids can lead to body fatigue. It is important to start any exercise session well hydrated, by drinking water, squash or diluted fruit juice regularly during the course of the day.

But be aware of sports drinks – these are great for elite athletes, but most people who are active don’t need them, They are loaded with sugar to help rehydrate you quickly. Watered-down fruit juice is just as good and is free from lots of added ingredients